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Informação: Main public buildings open for visits on Region's Day
The Legislative Assembly and the Regional Government have decided to open the main public regional buildings next Monday, June 5, to mark the Day of the Autonomous Region of the Azores. As in the previous years, the buildings may be visited from 3 to 6 PM. This initiative aims to strengthen the attachment of the Azorean population to autonomic institutions and, simultaneously, promote the preserva... Mais >>

Informação: Ponta Delgada Public Library and Regional Archive promotes documentary show "Emigration in the 19th century"
The Ponta Delgada Public Library and Regional Archive opens today opens today a documentary exhibition entitled "Emigration in the 19th century” with the aim of disseminating its archives. The exhibition portrays some aspects about legal and clandestine emigration that occurred in the 19th century from Ponta Delgada, through several manuscript documents and the analysis of some Passport Reg... Mais >>

Informação: Azores participate in the 87th Lisbon Book Fair
The Azores, through the regional secretariats for Education and Culture and Energy, Environment and Tourism, will participate in the 87th Lisbon Book Fair, from today until June 18. The initiative is sponsored by Portuguese Association of Publishers and Bookseller and will take place at Eduardo VII Park. In order to promote works by Azorean authors or that address Azorean themes, the Azores Cultur... Mais >>

Informação: Luís da Silva Ribeiro Public Library, in Angra do Heroísmo, promotes Genealogy initiation workshop in English
The Regional Directorate for Culture, through Luís da Silva Ribeiro Public Library and Regional Archive, promotes a Genealogy initiation workshop between June 26 and 30, from to 2 to 5 PM. It will conducted in English and is directed to foreign young people and adults. This workshop, limited to 15 participants, will be guided by genealogist João Ventura and aims to provide them with the... Mais >>

Informação: Arquipélago - Contemporary Arts Centre to promote over a dozen events in June
Arquipélago - Contemporary Arts Centre in Ribeira Grande, under the coordination of the Regional Directorate for Culture, promotes several initiatives in June, namely exhibitions, theatre plays, concerts and the opening of the facilities of the Artistic Residency designated as "Salutem: à tua saúde." On June 3, the cycle of guided summer tours, entitled "From the same hands," starts... Mais >>

Informação: Video reveals various dimensions of House of Autonomy project
The various dimensions of the House of Autonomy project are, from today, available for public knowledge, through a video presentation that will be published on the Regional Government's Internet Portal. At the address, visitors will get to know the physical and digital components of this project, which assumes itself as a space of histor... Mais >>

Informação: Azores mark International Day of Museums and Night of Museums
The Regional Directorate for Culture joins the celebrations of the International Day of Museums, marked on May 18, and the Night of Museums, which takes place on May 20. It will present the dissemination of digital information on Regional Museum, while promoting a series of events organised by its External Services. The Regional Directorate for Culture and its External Services have been providin... Mais >>

Informação: Carlos Machado Museum marks Portuguese Navy Day
The Regional Directorate for Culture, through the Carlos Machado Museum, joins the Azores Maritime Zone Command to mark the Portuguese Navy Day, with a theme itinerary at the Sacred Art Centre in Ponta Delgada on May 16 at 6 PM. Having as starting point 20 pieces of the collection, specially marked for the occasion, the Museum honours the Portuguese Navy by evoking the Sea. It evokes the age of di... Mais >>

Informação: Marta Guerreiro says culture should be part of the regional tourism offer
The Regional Secretary for Energy, Environment and Tourism noted that the Azores are taking the first steps towards cultural tourism so that it may become an increasingly relevant sector. In this context, she emphasised culture as an essential factor in the archipelago's tourism offer to visitors. Marta Guerreiro spoke Monday in Ponta Delgada at the closing session of the conference "The importan... Mais >>

Informação: Azores mark World Book and Copyright Day
Under the Artistic Season 2017, the Government of the Azores, through the Regional Secretariat for Education and Culture, promotes several initiatives intended to mark the World Book and Copyright Day with a theme weekend between April 21 and 24. The Regional Directorate for Culture, through its External Services, will offer a book in Portuguese to all users of Luís da Silva Ribeiro Library ... Mais >>

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