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Informação: Applications to the College of Europe and "José Medeiros Ferreira" Scholarship open
The applications to the College of Europe and the "José Medeiros Ferreira" scholarship are open until January 20, 2016. The latter is granted by the Regional Government for postgraduate courses in this institution of recognised international prestige at the campuses of Bruges, Belgium, or in Natolin, Poland. Applicants to the different areas of specialisation of the College of Europe must h... Mais >>

Informação: Regional Directorate for Education and Network of School Libraries establish cooperation protocol
Given the relevance of defining forms of institutional cooperation, the Regional Directorate for Education, through the Regional Network of School Libraries, and the Network of School Libraries, under the administration of the Ministry of Education and Science, have established a cooperation agreement. This Protocol defines the forms of coordination between both entities. The teachers who belong ... Mais >>

Informação: Regional Secretary for Education and Culture highlights significant lowering of school failure rates
The Regional Secretary for Education and Culture considered that "significant decrease" of school failure rates in the Regional Education System are "important and positive," especially in the elementary school level. Avelino Meneses spoke on the sidelines of the meetings of the Coordinating Council of the Education System and the Permanent Commission of Public School Establishment. In this re... Mais >>

Informação: Avelino Meneses highlights 11% increase in funding for investment in education, culture and sport in 2016
The Regional Secretary for Education and Culture highlighted today the overall increase of 11% of funds for investment in education, culture and sport in 2016. Avelino Meneses spoke at the end of a hearing at the Committee on Social Affair of the Legislative Assembly on the Plan and Budget proposals for 2016. He considered that this is "a positive proposal" insofar as it provides "a global invest... Mais >>

Informação: Regional Inspectorate of Education to carry out comprehensive evaluation of schools
As part of its activity plan for 2015, the Regional Inspectorate of Education will carry out during the month of November and early December a comprehensive evaluation in two regional schools, mobilising all members of this body. This action will be carried out for the first time in the Autonomous Region of the Azores in cooperation with the Union of Education and Teaching Inspector, after being ... Mais >>

Informação: Revision of Teaching Career Statute is "a tool that values" teachers, says Avelino Meneses
The Regional Secretary for Education and Culture stated in Horta that the proposed revision of the Teaching Career Statute in the Azores is "a tool that values" teachers and a "means of encouraging learning" against school dropout and poor academic results. Speaking at the Legislative Assembly in the beginning of the debate on the amendments to the Teaching Career Statute proposed by the Regional... Mais >>

Informação: Azores will achieve their goals with ProSucesso, says Avelino Meneses
The Regional Secretary for Culture and Education conveyed his belief that the Azores, with the implementation of the programme for the promotion of school success - ProSucesso, will achieve their goals and "society will improve, which is the goal of politics." Speaking Friday at the closing session of the seminar "Humanise society," organised by the Cáritas - Azores, Avelino Meneses defended... Mais >>

Informação: Regional Government recognises "great importance" of vocational training, ensures Avelino Meneses
The Regional Secretary for Education and Culture assured that the Regional Government recognises the "great importance" of vocational training, stressing that it ensures that "every student brings from school what is essential," which is "a future and a life." Avelino Meneses spoke Saturday in Arrifes at the ceremony for the delivery of diplomas to vocational training students and the awarding of... Mais >>

Informação: Avelino Meneses ensures that Azorean schools are among the safest places for children
The Regional Secretary for Education and Culture stated in Angra do Heroísmo that Azorean schools are "effectively one of the safest places for children," not only in "terms of security" but also "in many other aspects," particularly when it comes to feeding. Avelino Meneses Spoke at the end of a hearing at the Working Group on the Analysis and Evaluation of Public Child Protection Policies... Mais >>

Informação: Avelino Meneses says globalisation poses challenges to schools
The Regional Secretary for Education and Culture stated in Horta that in the society of globalisation, "the almost permanent mismatch" between the qualification of human resources and the rapid transformation of knowledge "has created a new function schools for schools," which consists "in the need to prepare citizens for the change of activity." "The labour demands of upgrading and adaptability ... Mais >>

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