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Informação: Regional Government promotes information session on employment programmes
Under the Azorean Agenda for Employment Creation and Business Competitiveness, the Regional Directorate for Employment and Vocational Training promotes tomorrow, July 26, an information session on the new employment programmes in Angra do Heroísmo. Tomorrow's session will be chaired by the Vice-President of the Government, Sérgio Ávila at the Angra do Heroísmo Cultural Centre... Mais >>

Informação: Vasco Cordeiro reiterates importance of enhancing Atlantic space for wealth generation and employment creation
The President of the Government of the Azores reiterated today the importance of enhancing the Atlantic space in which the archipelago is located, taking into consideration its potential in the generation of wealth and employment creation. "We see ourselves in the attention that Ireland has drawn to this process and we keep up with the effort of enhancing this Atlantic space as a space with pote... Mais >>

Informação: Regional Labour Inspectorate submits case of collective redundancy at Horta Hotel to Public Ministry
The Regional Labour Inspectorate (IRT) of the Regional Government has submitted to the Public Ministry the case regarding the collective dismissal of workers of Horta Hotel by the company Sotrium - Sociedade Turística Imobiliária, Lda. This decision follows several inspections that have taken place either to ascertain the legal compliance of the procedure in question or to provide clar... Mais >>

Informação: Government assures compliance with schedule of Agenda for Employment Creation and Business Competitiveness
The Vice-President of the Government of the Azores said today that "the Azorean people and Azorean companies can be assured" that "all measures" provided in the Agenda for Employment Creation and Business Competitiveness are being "implemented according to the estimated schedule." "In the end of this process, Azorean companies will be provided with an extremely positive support framework for empl... Mais >>

Informação: "Estagiar U" Programme registered 900 applications this year
The "Estagiar U" programme was created by the Government of the Azores to provide youngsters with an intermediate qualification level with the opportunity of undertaking a professional traineeship in a real work environment. This year, this initiative reached a record number of applications. According to the data released by the Regional Directorate for Employment and Vocational Training, whi... Mais >>

Informação: "Recuperar" Programme already supported integration of 474 workers
Nearly 80 non-profit entities from almost all islands have applied to the 2nd Phase of the "Recuperar" (Recover) programme, a project developed by the Regional Government this year. With this programme, these institutions will promote the professional integration of more than 210 unemployed without benefits. The "Recuperar" programme, approved by the Regional Government in February, aims to supp... Mais >>

Informação: Regional Government approves another 17 investments under "Empreende Jovem" programme
The Vice-President of the Regional Government conveyed today his satisfaction with the growing number of applications submitted under "Empreende Jovem" (Youth Entrepreneurship). The government official considered that this is an "expected result of a series of measures to fight unemployment and create self-employment, in this particular case, but nevertheless is still encouraging." "The respon... Mais >>

Informação: Regional Government approves investment projects that will create more than 60 jobs
The Government of the Azores announced today the approved of another four investment projects under the incentive scheme SIDER, which will allow the creation of more than sixty jobs on several islands. The decision was taken by the Council of the Government that met in Santa Cruz da Flores under the Regional Government’s statutory visit to the island of Flores, which ends today. Appro... Mais >>

Informação: Regional Government extends scope of employment programmes
The Vice-President of the Government announced several measures to reinforce the Azorean Agenda for Employment Creation and Competitiveness, "taking into consideration the adherence rate registered and the need to cover more people." Sergio Avila mentioned the PIIE, RECOVER and ABC programmes, which have significantly contributed to the re-qualification of the unemployed and promoted the access ... Mais >>

Informação: Vasco Cordeiro restates importance of measures to promote job creation in the Azores
The President of the Government restated today in Angra do Heroísmo the importance the Government attaches to employment issues, reminding the measures that make up the Azorean Agenda for Employment Creation and Business Competitiveness and the programmes that have been launched thereafter. "These initiatives are being already implemented and we believe that they will help us facing the pro... Mais >>

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