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Informação: Application for the allocation of 17 apartments with purchase option in Ribeira Grande published in the Official Journal
The opening notice and rules of the public application for the allocation of 17 apartments on a sublease scheme with purchase option for permanent housing in the village of Ribeira Grande on São Miguel were published today in the Official Journal of the Autonomous Region of the Azores. Of the 17 apartments to be allocated under this application, nine are 2-bedroom apartments and eight are 3... Mais >>

Informação: Regional Government approves 342 applications for lease incentive measures
Following the 440 applications submitted for the Lease Incentive Scheme in 2013, the Government of the Azores has preliminarily approved 342 applications. Provisional lists were published for consultation on December 12. Applicants will have 10 working days to contest results. After this period, they will become definitive. The lists are published at the services of the Regional Directorate fo... Mais >>

Informação: Recovery plan for public places benefits local companies in the creation of jobs
The President of the Government announced the creation of an integrated plan to recover public spaces next year. This project will focus on local companies by developing their potential to boost the economy and create jobs in villages, towns and cities. "I can announce that next year the government will launch an integrated plan for the recovery of public spaces, designated as ValorUrbe", which wi... Mais >>

Informação: Vítor Fraga announces "series of minor interventions" to improve public spaces
The Regional Secretary for Tourism and Transport announced on Monday that the Government of the Azores will carry out a "series of minor interventions with the aim of improving and revitalising public spaces." Vítor Fraga spoke during a visit to the site where the pavement works of the access path to Gruta do Carvão (cave) are being carried out. The government official stressed that the... Mais >>

Informação: Renewal works in 46 houses to benefit 154 people in the Azores
The ongoing repair and renewal works of social housing in the Azores, as scheduled in the Regional Public Works Charter, comprise 46 houses and represent an investment of 286 thousand Euros that will benefit 154 people. These contracts works fall under the urban renewal of the regional housing heritage and will improve the living conditions of 46 families. The works are estimated to be completed... Mais >>

Informação: Regional Government fulfils commitment to support housing autonomy of families, says Piedade Lalanda
The Regional Secretary for Social Solidarity said today in Terra Chã, municipality of Angra do Heroísmo, that the Government of the Azores is "fulfilling the commitment" to continue supporting the housing autonomy of families, either through the re-housing programme or the "Families with Future" programme; these measures currently support over a thousand households. Speaking at the unv... Mais >>

Informação: Piedade Lalanda assures that the Regional Government is aware of housing shortage
The Regional Secretary for Social Solidarity assured that the Government of the Azores is aware of the situations of housing shortage and families facing severe difficulties. "It has been one of the Government's priorities: support families with severe difficulties and also families facing social exclusion due to housing issues," stressed Piedade Lalanda, who spoke during the presentation of the... Mais >>

Informação: Regional Government to purchase controlled-cost houses in Sete Cidades for leasing
The Regional Secretary for Social Solidarity announced on Thursday that the Government of the Azores will purchase 11 controlled-cost houses in Sete Cidades Allotment for leasing with a purchase option. Speaking on the sidelines of the closing session of the first meeting of the cycle "Conversas sobre o Cuidar" in Ponta Delgada, Piedade Lalanda stated that the Azorean Government will open a publ... Mais >>

Informação: Government of the Azores opens applications for transfer of plots for home ownership in Praia da Vitória
The Regional Director for Housing announced on Tuesday that the Government of the Azores will open from August 19 to September 16 the application for the transfer of plots with the respective infrastructures for the construction permanent of permanent dwellings in S. Brás Allotment in the municipality of Praia da Vitória on Terceira Island. Speaking at the opening session of the applica... Mais >>

Informação: Applications for Lease Incentive Scheme open on August 1
Applications for the Lease Incentive Scheme under the "Families with Future" Programme will be open from August 1 to September 15. Those who are interested may fill in the application forms and submit them through the following email address: Alternatively, citizens can go to the services of the Regional Directorate for Housing, Social Security and the offices ... Mais >>

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