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Informação: President of the Government announces new programme for urban renewal and response to housing needs
The President of the Government announced the creation of the new programme designated as "Renovated House, Inhabited House" in order to give a significant boost to urban renewal and, simultaneously, respond to housing needs in the certain areas of the Region. "We believe that this programme will give a very significant boost to the urban renewal and respond to the housing needs we currently have... Mais >>

Informação: Vasco Cordeiro guarantees "strategic priority" for housing support policies
The President of the Government highlighted today the significant amount of financial resources aimed to ensure the right to housing of the Azorean population. This strategic priority of the Government is shared with various entities, such as local authorities and private social solidarity institutions. "In the last legislative term, we are talking about an investment of about 50 million Euros in... Mais >>

Informação: Governo dos Açores vai manter medida de apoio à recuperação de habitação degradada, afirma Andreia Cardoso
O Governo dos Açores atribuiu hoje apoios à recuperação de habitação degradada e habitação afectada por térmitas destinados a 27 famílias dos concelhos de Angra do Heroísmo e Praia da Vitória, num investimento público de cerca 340 mil euros. A Secretária Regional da Solidariedade Social, que presidiu à cerimónia, d... Mais >>

Informação: Government of the Azores launches public tender for allocation 52 dwellings on São Miguel Island
The tender for the allocation of 52 dwellings on the island of São Miguel on a lease scheme with purchase option, promoted by the Regional Secretariat for Social Solidarity, through the Regional Directorate for Housing, was published today in the Official Journal. Under this tender, the Government will allocate 10 one-bedroom apartments, 26 two-bedroom apartments and 16 3-bedroom apartments o... Mais >>

Informação: Regional Government launches public tenders for allocation of housing
The Regional Secretariat for Social Solidarity, through the Regional Directorate for Housing, launched two public tenders for the allocation of housing, under the lease with purchase option scheme, on the islands of São Miguel, Graciosa, Faial and Flores. These tenders are for the allocation of housing located in São Pedro neighbourhood, village of Maia (São Miguel), Dores neighbo... Mais >>

Informação: Regional Government invests 680 thousand Euros in the construction and renewal of the regional housing stock
The Regional Secretariat for Social Solidarity, through the Regional Directorate for Housing, has awarded three contracts following direct adjustment procedures, inviting regional companies for the construction of two homes and the rehabilitation of another home on S. Miguel; the latter is owned by the Region. These works include the construction of a dwelling in the village of Água de Pau, m... Mais >>

Informação: Investment in housing is important contribution to the establishment of families, says Andreia Cardoso
The Regional Secretary for Social Solidarity defended in Santa Cruz da Graciosa that the Regional Government's investment in the recovery of degraded housing is also an important demographic stimulus, being an "essential and determining aspect in social and territorial cohesion." "There are two fundamental aspects: provide families with the safety and health conditions in their homes and ensure th... Mais >>

Informação: Government of the Azores stipulates application period for support for the rehabilitation of degraded housing
The Government of the Azores has stipulated the deadline for submission of application for the support to degraded housing. As in the previous year, those who are interested may submit the applications from July 1 to 31. Applications may be submitted to the Regional Directorate for Housing, housing services of each island and RIAC - Citizen Support Integrated Network offices. Moreover, applicat... Mais >>

Informação: Regional Government allocates 540 thousand Euros for the recovery of degraded housing on São Miguel
The Regional Secretary for Social Solidarity formalised today the granting of subsidies for the rehabilitation of degraded housing and buildings affected by termites at a ceremony held in Ponta Delgada, which represents an investment over half a million Euros. "The support to these 45 families amounts to more than 540 thousand Euros and is a direct investment of the Regional Government," said Andr... Mais >>

Informação: Azorean Government improves access to information on support to housing
Under the decentralisation process on the submission of applications to existing support measures in the area of housing, the Government of the Azores has organised all the relevant information on the various programmes available in a single document that will be widely distributed, thus ensuring greater proximity to communities and providing better access to information. In addition to being cons... Mais >>

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