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Em Juventude:

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Cursos sócio-profissionais
Educação extra-escolar
Estágios profissionais
ILEE's Iniciativas Locais de Criação de Emprego
IMETPD - Integração no Mercado de Emprego de Trabalhadores Portadores de Deficiência
Manutenção de empregos
Mercado social do emprego
PEPBPD - Projectos de emprego promovidos por beneficiários das prestações de desemprego
Planos curriculares
Programas ocupacionais
Promoção do emprego
Recuperação de postos de trabalho

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Protecção Civil
Segurança Social


Informação: Second phase of "Make the Azores Happen" to start Wednesday on São Miguel
The itinerary "Make the Azores Happen" starts Wednesday, January 27 on São Miguel and will travel the schools that will participate in this year's edition of the programme "Entrepreneurial Education: The Path to Success." It will cover 1,550 students in eight sessions that will be held on the islands of São Miguel and Graciosa in the second phase. Included in the second follow-up visit ... Mais >>

Informação: European exchanges between youth associations contribute to intercultural dialogue, says Regional Director for Youth
The Regional Director for Youth stated in Ponta Delgada that European young people and youth associations "can work together and contribute to a truly exciting, innovative and constructive intercultural dialogue between European regions." Pilar Damião spoke at the reception to the young people participating in the bilateral exchange "Don't be a clown in your life - But learn with a clown," w... Mais >>

Informação: Information itinerary on OTL-J programme covers all the islands of the Azores
The Government of the Azores, through the Regional Directorate for Youth, promotes the organisation of an information itinerary on the Free Time Occupation Program for Youth OTL-J, which will cover through all islands of the archipelago during the first quarter of this year. This itinerary includes 17 information sessions that will present the 2016/2017 edition of the OLT-J programme, whose appli... Mais >>

Informação: Youth Risk Behaviour Surveillance System allows planning of interventions adjusted to the reality of the Azores
The Regional Director for Health stated in Angra do Heroísmo, that the results of the Youth Risk Behaviour Surveillance System (SVCRJ), implemented in the school year 2014/2015, will allow the "planning of interventions within the school health/child and youth health interventions adapted to the actual needs of this population." Speaking on the sidelines of the presentation of the results of... Mais >>

Informação: Isabel Rodrigues calls for the participation of young people in community life
The Regional Assistant Secretary of the Presidency for Parliamentary Affairs made today "an urgent call to the participation" of Azorean young people in the public life of the community. "It is this participation that enriches the life of our Region and it is through this participation that you can make your contribution and make a difference. We recognise youth not as a recipient of change, but... Mais >>

Informação: Azores Science Centres attract young people to scientific fields, says Brito e Abreu
The Regional Secretary for the Sea, Science and Technology highlighted in Lagoa the importance of Science Centres in the Azores for the dissemination of scientific culture in the archipelago. "If stimulate young people at an early age for scientific areas, we will be contributing to a more developed society and a more competitiveness economy," Fausto Brito e Abreu said, noting that the Governmen... Mais >>

Informação: Azores Youth Observatory holds international conference "Young People as Actors of Social Change"
The Government of the Azores, through the Regional Directorate for Youth, and the University of the Azores, through the Interdisciplinary Centre of Social Sciences promote the International Conference "Young People as Actors of Social Change" under the Azores Youth Observatory. The event will take place at the University of the Azores, on December 3 and 4.It will bring together several national ... Mais >>

Informação: Investment Plan for 2016 provides stability to Government's programmes for Youth, says Isabel Rodrigues
The Regional Assistant Secretary of the Presidency for Parliamentary Affairs stated in Horta that the Regional Government provides Azorean youth with a "very stable set of programs, supporting different types of activities." Isabel Rodrigues was heard by the Committee on Social Affairs of the Legislative Assembly on the proposed Plan and Budget for 2016. She pointed out that the plan "meets the e... Mais >>

Informação: LABJOVEM Exhibition with international dimension, says Regional Director for Youth
The Regional Director for Youth said today in Ribeira Grande that the Labjovem Exhibition "will be showcased in the Azores, Lisbon and, for the first time, in Edinburgh," Scotland, thus acquiring an international dimension. Speaking at the presentation of the exhibition, the partners and the juries that will make up this year's edition of Labjovem - Young Creators Competition, Pilar Damião p... Mais >>

Informação: Director Regional for Youth highlights importance of empowering young people with key entrepreneurial skills
The Regional Director for Youth spoke at the opening of the "Youth Showcase," stressing that a project such as this and "Entrepreneurial Education: The Path to Success," are key tools to empower young people with key entrepreneurial skills. Pilar Damião recalled "young people have at their disposal several of Regional Government departments that develop programmes to encourage employment and... Mais >>

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