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Em Juventude:

Acreditação de entidades formadoras
Certificação de formadores
CTTS - Colocação Temporária de Trabalhadores Subsidiados
CTTS Maternidade- Colocação Temporária de Trabalhadores Subsidiados
Cursos sócio-profissionais
Educação extra-escolar
Estágios profissionais
ILEE's Iniciativas Locais de Criação de Emprego
IMETPD - Integração no Mercado de Emprego de Trabalhadores Portadores de Deficiência
Manutenção de empregos
Mercado social do emprego
PEPBPD - Projectos de emprego promovidos por beneficiários das prestações de desemprego
Planos curriculares
Programas ocupacionais
Promoção do emprego
Recuperação de postos de trabalho

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Ciência e Tecnologia
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Estatísticas e indicadores
Financiamentos e incentivos
Habitação e Equipamentos
Informação Empresas
Iniciar uma empresa
Inspecção Económica
Lazer e Utilidades
Protecção Civil
Segurança Social


Informação: Walk&Talk Festival is "example of cultural entrepreneurship," says Pilar Damião
The Regional Director for Youth said today that the Walk&Talk Festival "is another example of the cultural entrepreneurship demonstrated by two Azorean youngsters." This initiative will be held between July 18 and August 8. Pilar Damião spoke at the presentation of the festival's fourth edition. It will feature outdoor events, exhibitions, performances, dance, concerts, screenings, seminars,... Mais >>

Informação: Regional Government allocates 132 thousand Euros to youth associations
This year, the Government of the Azores, through the Regional Directorate for Youth, will support 109 projects developed by 23 youth associations, representing a global investment over 122 thousand Euros. After a report issued by the Assessment Commission that met in Ponta Delgada, the funds are intended to support projects developed by youth associations under the Incentive Scheme for Youth... Mais >>

Informação: Regional Director for Youth highlights importance of support to regional production
The Regional Director for Youth, Pilar Damião, said today in Ponta Delgada that the Azorean Government has strongly supported cultural and creative industries and regional production. "Regional production is a reflection of our heritage," said Pilar Damião. The government official pointed out the "LabJovem" project and the "Põe-te em Cena" programme as "examples of the efforts car... Mais >>

Informação: “Antes de me Discriminares, Conhece-me!” Project to start in April with roadmap for equality
The Roadmap for Equality, which is to start in April, marks the beginning of the initiative "Antes de me Discriminares, Conhece-me!" (Before you Discriminate me, Know me!), a project consisting of thirty awareness-raising actions that will directly cover 1,000 people across the archipelago. The project aims to coordinate social intervention and the fight against discrimination through art with a... Mais >>

Informação: Regional Directorate for Youth promotes Bootcamp on Social Entrepreneurship
The Regional Directorate for Youth promotes a Bootcamp on Social Entrepreneurship to be held at the Ponta Delgada Youth Hostel from March 6 to 8. Bootcamp is an innovative educational model that provides participants with the opportunity of developing the concept of a new initiative on Social Entrepreneurship in teamwork for 48 hours in a focused and dynamic environment. Organised by the Associat... Mais >>

Informação: Regional Government launches programme to encourage youth social entrepreneurship
The Government of the Azores, through the Regional Directorate for Youth, presented today in Ponta Delgada the "Jovens+" (Youth+) programme, an initiative intended to encourage youth social entrepreneurship. The Regional Director for Youth stated that this initiative represents the demand for innovative and sustainable social solutions; the latter have been implemented through the creation and d... Mais >>

Informação: Regional Government supports creativity of Azorean youngsters with over 35 thousands Euros
The Government of the Azores, through the Regional Directorate for Youth (DRJ), will support 30 projects under "Põe-te em Cena" (Get into Scene) programme, which corresponds to a global investment over 35 million Euros. The assessment commission analysed 49 applications from five islands during this year's first meeting that was held in Ponta Delgada. Of the 30 projects approved, 21 corres... Mais >>

Informação: Regional Government launches programme to provide a response to Azorean youngsters within four months
The Vice-President of the Government said today that from now on, youngsters "will wait no longer than four months for a response" in the context of occupational programmes. Sérgio Ávila spoke during the presentation of the "Azores Youth Guarantee" programme. According to which, the Regional Government should provide a response within four months to youngsters aged under 30 years, who h... Mais >>

Informação: 2014 Labjovem Exhibition brings together 38 works by young creators of the Azores
The Regional Director for Youth revealed today that the fourth edition of LABJOVEM - Young Creators of the Azores Competition has registered applications from 188 projects, of which 38 were selected to join the 2014 LABJOVEM Exhibition. Speaking at the presentation of the results of LABJOVEM in Ponta Delgada, Pilar Damião stressed that the selected projects come from São Miguel (20), F... Mais >>

Informação: 18 new projects approved under "Empreende Jovem" involving the creation of 42 jobs
The selection committee of "Empreende Jovem" (Youth Entrepreneurship) has proposed the approval of 18 new investment projects submitted in January, which represents a total investment of 4.8 million Euros and the creation of 42 new jobs. "These new projects evidence an increase in terms of quantity and investment compared to the same month of 2013, thus confirming the growing confidence of young... Mais >>

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