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Em Juventude:

Acreditação de entidades formadoras
Certificação de formadores
CTTS - Colocação Temporária de Trabalhadores Subsidiados
CTTS Maternidade- Colocação Temporária de Trabalhadores Subsidiados
Cursos sócio-profissionais
Educação extra-escolar
Estágios profissionais
ILEE's Iniciativas Locais de Criação de Emprego
IMETPD - Integração no Mercado de Emprego de Trabalhadores Portadores de Deficiência
Manutenção de empregos
Mercado social do emprego
PEPBPD - Projectos de emprego promovidos por beneficiários das prestações de desemprego
Planos curriculares
Programas ocupacionais
Promoção do emprego
Recuperação de postos de trabalho

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Ciência e Tecnologia
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Informação Empresas
Iniciar uma empresa
Inspecção Económica
Lazer e Utilidades
Protecção Civil
Segurança Social


Informação: Youth entrepreneurship programmes contribute to create a new mentality
"Educating for entrepreneurship contributes to change youngsters' behaviour in the medium-term." The statement was made by the Regional Director for Youth, Bruno Pacheco, during the speech delivered at the Vila Franca do Campo Vocational Training School yesterday during the 2nd follow-up visit to schools, an initiative of the project "Entrepreneurial Education: The Path to Success!". The meeting... Mais >>

Informação: "Youth Forum" encourages youth participation
The Azorean Government, through the Regional Directorate for Youth, organised on January 5 another session of the "Youth Forum" in partnership with Youth Association of Povoação. The session, held at the Association's headquarters, addressed the subject of "Local Development." The focus on investments that bring added value, such as the case of the pedestrian trails in that municipalit... Mais >>

Informação: Government of the Azores promotes training course for association leaders
The Government of the Azores, through the Regional Directorate for Youth, promotes the training course on "Creation and Management of Local Development Projects." The training course, developed by the Association for the Promotion of Youngsters at Risk (APPJ), is integrated in the "Youth Training" programme which, in turn, is part of the Incentive Scheme for Youth Associations. This programme has ... Mais >>

Informação: Young Azoreans undertake traineeship at Walt Disney Resort
Two senior students from the Tourism and Hotel Training School (EFTH) will undertake a 6-month traineeship at the Walt Disney Resort in Orlando, USA. The initiative, which is now in its 5th consecutive year, provides these students with an opportunity to gain experience and "know-how" at a place of global reference. This projects counts on the support of the American Consulate and the Azorean Go... Mais >>

Informação: "Young Students" sub-programme starts today
The "Young Students" sub-programme started today with 210 youngsters participating in 113 projects, which corresponds to an increase of 96.2% in the number of youngsters involved in this initiative and 54.8% in the number of projects, compared to the previous year. For the Regional Director for Youth, Bruno Pacheco, this increase evidences that "despite the current context, this year's figures s... Mais >>

Informação: Rui Bettencourt welcomes youngsters who completed traineeships in the Azores
The Regional Director for Labour, Vocational Training and Consumer Defence, Rui Bettencourt, welcomed in Ponta Delgada on Friday 21 trainees that have concluded their professional traineeships in the Azores under the programme of the Assembly of European Regions - Eurodyssey. The participants, aged between 18 and 30, were from the Spanish regions of Catalonia, Valencia and Cantabria, French regi... Mais >>

Informação: Government "welcomes" all measures to shorten unemployment periods among youngsters
The Government of the Azores welcomed and stressed the importance of all measures to shorten the periods of unemployment among youngsters. This position was defended by the Regional Secretary for the Environment and the Sea at the Legislative Assembly during during the discussion of a draft Resolution on "measures to optimise the response time of public services to unemployed youngsters" in the a... Mais >>

Informação: 3rd Edition of Labjovem Competition with over 200 applications
LABJOVEM Competition is a project promoted by the Government, through the Regional Directorate for Youth and organised by the Burra de Milho Cultural Association. This initiative aims to encourage and promote young creators from different artistic fields, serving as a platform to a whole new generation of Azorean artists. Integrated in the Government's strategy to promote and encourage the cre... Mais >>

Informação: Azores celebrate protocol with National Federation of Youth Associations
The Regional Directorate for Youth and the Azores Youth Hostels, through the Regional Director for Youth and the Chairman of the Administration Board of the Azores Youth Hostels, attended the 11th National Meeting of Youth Associations - ENAJ that took place in the city of Viseu on November 19 and 20. During the meeting, which brought together about one thousand members, a cooperation protocol b... Mais >>

Informação: Azores to host AER summer university in 2012
"The challenges of today and the future of our youngsters cannot be separated from the defence of good governance, decentralisation and the regional power in Europe" said the Under Secretary for European Affairs and External Cooperation in Ponta Delgada today. Rodrigo Oliveira spoke during the works of the Assembly of European Regions and announced that "next August, the island of São Migue... Mais >>

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