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Em Juventude:

Acreditação de entidades formadoras
Certificação de formadores
CTTS - Colocação Temporária de Trabalhadores Subsidiados
CTTS Maternidade- Colocação Temporária de Trabalhadores Subsidiados
Cursos sócio-profissionais
Educação extra-escolar
Estágios profissionais
ILEE's Iniciativas Locais de Criação de Emprego
IMETPD - Integração no Mercado de Emprego de Trabalhadores Portadores de Deficiência
Manutenção de empregos
Mercado social do emprego
PEPBPD - Projectos de emprego promovidos por beneficiários das prestações de desemprego
Planos curriculares
Programas ocupacionais
Promoção do emprego
Recuperação de postos de trabalho

NOTÍCIAS POR: entidades  temas

Agricultura e Floresta
Ciência e Tecnologia
Encerrar uma empresa
Estatísticas e indicadores
Financiamentos e incentivos
Habitação e Equipamentos
Informação Empresas
Iniciar uma empresa
Inspecção Económica
Lazer e Utilidades
Protecção Civil
Segurança Social


Informação: Government of the Azores considers education for entrepreneurship as strategic intervention
The Regional Director for Youth, Pilar Damião, stressed on Friday the importance and interest to Region in maintaining the project "Educação Empreendedora: O Caminho do Sucesso" (Entrepreneurial Education: The Path to Success). Being developed in partnership with several public and private entities, this initiative will be in its fourth edition this school year. In addition to "be... Mais >>

Informação: Government of the Azores implements another support programme for Small and Medium Companies
The Vice-President of the Government said today that the financial sustainability and the constitutional prerogatives of the Region allow us "to follow a different course from the one the National Government imposes on others." Sérgio Ávila defended that a "time of increased difficulties" demands from the Regional Government the best efforts to counter the "ruthless austerity measures t... Mais >>

Informação: Vasco Cordeiro challenges youngsters to disseminate the Azores in the world
The President of the Regional Government, Vasco Cordeiro, said on Thursday that Azorean youth plays an "absolutely important role" in the way the Azores can be disseminated in the world. In this context, he challenged all youngsters who like the Azores to contribute to this goal, regardless of where they live. "This is a challenge that is being launched to the Azorean youth and only Azorean youth... Mais >>

Informação: Government of the Azores promotes International Azorean Youth Meeting in Praia da Vitória
The Government of the Azores promotes the International Azorean Youth Meeting from August 29 to September 2. The event will bring together twenty-five youngsters from the diaspora communities, Mainland Portugal and the Azores. The meeting will gather representatives from several Azorean associations, including all the Houses of the Azores in the world. It will be held at the Youth and Arts Acade... Mais >>

Informação: Fifty European youngsters to start traineeships in the Azores
Two new groups of trainees from European countries will soon start their traineeships in the Azores under the Eurodyssey and Leonardo da Vinci programmes. These youngsters will stay in the Region for the next six months. The first month will be exclusively dedicated to the learning of the Portuguese language and culture and the remaining months to the traineeship in an actual work environment. The... Mais >>

Informação: Vice-President of the Government praises entrepreneurship in the Region
The Vice-President of the Government praised the entrepreneurial capacity of the Azores, even in adverse circumstances, to develop new ideas for the benefit of regional economy. Speaking at the solemn session celebrating the elevation of Lajes to village status, Sérgio Ávila stressed that being an entrepreneur "is an attitude towards life in the face of difficulties" and is not necessari... Mais >>

Informação: Regional Directorate for Youth launches "Holiday Camps for All"
The Regional Directorate for Youth presented today in Ponta Delgada the project "Holiday Camps for All," an initiative that will cover more than forty youngsters; it will be held under the theme "Holidays: An asset for all youngsters." "This is another measure promoted by the Government of the Azores under its strategy for the implementation of social and solidarity programmes," stated the Region... Mais >>

Informação: "Estagiar U" Programme registered 900 applications this year
The "Estagiar U" programme was created by the Government of the Azores to provide youngsters with an intermediate qualification level with the opportunity of undertaking a professional traineeship in a real work environment. This year, this initiative reached a record number of applications. According to the data released by the Regional Directorate for Employment and Vocational Training, whi... Mais >>

Informação: International seminar debates youth entrepreneurship
Twenty youth animators from several European countries participate, starting today, in the international seminar “Entrepreneurial Education - The path of success," an initiative organised by the Government of the Azores, through the Regional Directorate for Youth. The event is taking place in the city of Ponta Delgada. The seminar, which will be held until Saturday, was organised with the ... Mais >>

Informação: "Recuperar" Programme already supported integration of 474 workers
Nearly 80 non-profit entities from almost all islands have applied to the 2nd Phase of the "Recuperar" (Recover) programme, a project developed by the Regional Government this year. With this programme, these institutions will promote the professional integration of more than 210 unemployed without benefits. The "Recuperar" programme, approved by the Regional Government in February, aims to supp... Mais >>

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