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Informação: José Contente praises board of Povoação Firefighters
The Regional Secretary for Science, Technology and Infrastructures praised last night praised the board of Povoação Volunteer Fire Brigade for their ability of raising the institution's credibility among the population in difficult times. José Contente presided over the change of command ceremony and conveyed his satisfaction with this association for "being able to overcome the d... Mais >>

Informação: José Contente says that Contingency Plan for Communications "is groundbreaking in the country"
The Regional Secretary for Science, Technology and Infrastructures signed today the contract for the purchase and installation of an Integrated Communications Platform, under the Contingency Plan for Communications in the Region. The Contingency Plan allows identifying, at each moment, among a series of public and private networks, which ones are working in situations of emergency, serious accide... Mais >>

Informação: José Contente says that Civil Protection strengthens “safety of the Azorean population on a daily basis"
The Government of the Azores has made a considerable investment to provide the Azores Civil Protection with the best equipment and infrastructures as well as with qualified human resources. The Regional Secretariat has awarded priority status to the qualification of all Civil Protection agents who participate in rescue operation and provide assistance to the population. This was the message conv... Mais >>

Informação: Government identifies interventions deemed necessary following damages caused by bad weather
The President and members of the Azorean Government have met in Ponta Delgada to assess the damages caused by the bad weather that hit the Azores over the last days. According to what Carlos César told journalists on the sidelines of the ceremony to sign contracts for employment enhancement programmes, the meeting was also held with the purpose "assessing the current situation in terms of d... Mais >>

Informação: SIV Ambulances increase quality of assistance provided in the Azores
Immediate Life Support service (SIV) ambulances entered into operation in the Azores today. S. Miguel and Terceira already have the new emergency medical service vehicles at the service of the population. Faial Island will be the next in the month of April. The Regional Secretary for Science, Technology and Infrastructures marked the entry into operation of SIV ambulances in Angra do Heroísm... Mais >>

Informação: SIV ambulances enter into operation this month
The Regional Secretary for Science, Technology and Infrastructures visited today the construction site of a 25 m swimming pool at the Ribeira Grande Fire Station. This visit took place in the context of the celebration of the World Day of Civil Protection. On the occasion, the government official announced that the Immediate Life Support service (SIV) ambulances will enter into operation in the ... Mais >>

Informação: Government reinforces ambulance transport services
The Azorean Government announced today an amendment to Regulation on Ambulance Transport Services with the purpose of reinforcing the human and financial resources of regional Associations of Volunteer Firefighters. While presenting the press release of the last meeting of the Council of the Government, the Regional Secretary of the Presidency informed that the Immediate Life Support service (SI... Mais >>

Informação: Azores with less serious and minor casualties in 2011
According to the quarterly accident report published by the Regional Secretariat for Science, Technology and Infrastructure, the Azores registered a reduction of serious and minor causalities by October this year. From January to October, 573 minor causalities were reported, representing a reduction compared to 2010 (611). With regard to serious causalities, 78 were reported this year, which als... Mais >>

Informação: Carlos César: na protecção civil o importante é investir a montante dos problemas
Ao presidir à cerimónia de inauguração das obras de ampliação e remodelação do quartel dos Bombeiros Voluntários de Angra do Heroísmo, Carlos César revelou que, nos últimos cinco anos, o Governo Regional investiu 6,3 milhões de euros em infra-estruturas, equipamentos e formação em diversas instituições integradas ... Mais >>

Informação: Protecção Civil: queda de tecto e inundações em São Jorge
O Serviço Regional de Protecção Civil e Bombeiros dos Açores informa que, ao final da noite de ontem, a queda do tecto de uma habitação, no lugar de Santo António, freguesia Norte Grande, no concelho das Velas, na ilha São Jorge, provocou dois desalojados, sem danos pessoais. Os Bombeiros das Velas, o Serviço Municipal de Protecção Civil, a S... Mais >>

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