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Informação: Access to Pico Mountain closed Friday from 2 PM
The adverse weather conditions forecast for Friday, September 2, with "orange" warning for wind and "yellow" warning for precipitation, have led the Natural park to preemptively to close the access Pico Mountain. The decision follows the weather alert issued by the Portuguese Sea and Atmosphere Institute for the Central group islands. The closing of the access to highest point of Portugal, which i... Mais >>

Informação: Government of the Azores has always responded to disasters, says Vítor Fraga
The Regional Secretary for Tourism and Transport stressed on São Miguel that the Government of the Azores has always responded in situations of damages caused by the natural disasters that have hit the archipelago. Vítor Fraga spoke at the signing of the consignment agreement for the contract work for the replacement of safety conditions in the section of the Regional Road no.1-1 in Tosq... Mais >>

Informação: Azores Regional Civil Protection and Fire Service with priority access to elderly homes and continuing care units
The Regional Secretary for Social Solidarity, Andreia Cardoso, and the Regional Secretary for Health, Luís Cabral, signed protocols with the Azores Fire Federation to ensure firefighters priority access to nursing homes, inpatient units and home support teams that make up the Regional Network of Integrated Continuing Care. At the signing of the protocols, which took place Friday in Vila Franc... Mais >>

Informação: Vasco Cordeiro praises spirit of service of firefighters deployed to Madeira and Mainland Portugal
The President of the Government praised today the spirit of service and self-sacrifice of Azorean firefighters who volunteered to help fighting the fires affecting the Autonomous Region of Madeira and Mainland Portugal. "I would like to, as President of the Government, praise the availability, the spirit of service and the self-sacrifice of the 30 firefighters who went to Madeira as well as the m... Mais >>

Informação: Azorean firefighters deployed to Madeira reinforce fire department of Calheta
The Azorean firefighters who left this morning for the archipelago of Madeira to assist in the fight against fires affecting the island were integrated into the Association of Calheta Volunteer Firefighters. The 30 Azorean firefighters, who arrived to the archipelago at 5:45 PM, are now under the command of the Regional Civil Protection Service of Madeira. The latter is responsible for guiding, co... Mais >>

Informação: Vasco Cordeiro offers Regional Civil Protection assistance to the Government of Madeira
The President of the Regional Government of the Azores offered today the assistance of the Azores Regional Civil Protection and Fire Service to the Government of Madeira to help fighting the fires that are still affecting this Autonomous Region. "I am writing to you in these hours of anguish for the people of Madeira to convey you, on my behalf and on behalf of the Government of the Azores, all ou... Mais >>

Informação: Vasco Cordeiro emphasises investment in improving fire stations
The President of the Government visited in Vila do Porto the ongoing works in fire station of Santa Maria Fire Brigade, an investment over 700 thousand Euros that falls within a series of investments in similar infrastructures throughout the archipelago. "These remodelling and expansion works represent a commitment that has been made and is being fulfilled," said Vasco Cordeiro, who spoke to jour... Mais >>

Informação: Azores will have second permanent crew for search and rescue helicopter
The President of the Government received in Horta the Chief of Staff of the Air Force, General Manuel Teixeira Rolo, who reassured that all necessary processes to provide Air Base no.4 with a second full crew for EH101 search and rescue helicopter are ongoing. "This meeting allowed us to establish the progress of matters that concern the Region.”There are matters that do not depend solely o... Mais >>

Informação: Luís Cabral congratulates Azores Fire services for results achieved at national level
The Regional Secretary for Health highlighted the good performance of the Azores fire teams in the National Manoeuvres Competition, congratulating participants for the results achieved in this competition and the commitment shown to achieve them. The three teams of Ribeira Grande Humanitarian Association of Volunteer Firefighters who participated in the 35th National Manoeuvres Competition during ... Mais >>

Informação: Luís Cabral highlights relation of proximity between the Regional and National Governments in civil protection
The Regional Secretary for Health stated in Angra do Heroísmo that the relation of proximity between the Regional and National Governments in Civil Protection, through the interaction of both entities, can contribute to the sharing of infrastructures and knowledge. Luís Cabral visited the Azores Regional Civil Protection and Fire Service with the Secretary of State for Internal Affairs,... Mais >>

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