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Informação: Regional Government reinforces psychosocial support to patients receiving health care at hospitals in Northern Mainland Portugal
The Regional Government established on Friday a cooperation protocol with the House of the Azores of North Region with the aim to reinforce psychosocial support to patients receiving health care at hospitals in Northern Mainland Portugal, particularly in the city of Porto, where the number of cancer patients from the Azores has been growing. During the ceremony held in Ponta Delgada, the Regiona... Mais >>

Informação: Regional Government committed to dialogue with all partners in the Health sector, assures Vasco Cordeiro
The President of the Government assured on Wednesday the availability and interest in the continuous hearing of all partners in the Health Sector, including the Portuguese Medical Association, on the evolution of the Regional Health Service. "We remain available and committed to continue the exchange of views that will contribute to a mutual enrichment of the vision each party has regarding the ... Mais >>

Informação: Government of the Azores promotes actions to combat diabetes and obesity, says Luís Cabral
The Regional Secretary for Health announced today in Ponta Delgada two new actions to combat diabetes and obesity. These initiatives fall under the Regional Health Plan 2013-2016. According to the government official, the Azores are susceptible of being affected by these problems as a result of the "new food habits and a sedentary lifestyle." "The Government of the Azores is aware of these new so... Mais >>

Informação: Regional Secretariat for Health prepares centralised purchasing of clinical material with annual savings exceeding 325 thousand Euros
The Regional Secretariat of Health will open the public tender for the centralised purchasing of clinical consumables for the three regional hospitals, which will result in annual savings over 325 thousand Euros. The process comprises twenty items, including dialysis and operating theatre equipments, syringes, catheters, bed pads, personal protective equipment as well as articles for oxygen ther... Mais >>

Informação: 3rd edition of the forum "Knowing the Azores Sea" starts today on Faial
The Government of the Azores promotes the Scientific Forum for Decision Support "Knowing the Azores Sea III" on the island of Faial today and tomorrow. This initiative is organised with the purpose of strengthening regional research networks as well as to promote debate and communication between researchers and the Administration. This discussion forum on marine sciences and their contribution t... Mais >>

Informação: Regional legislation on Private Health Units with reduced bureaucracy and increased efficiency, says Luís Cabral
The Regional Secretary for Health said on Thursday at the Regional Legislative Assembly that the legislation regulating the legal scheme on Private Health Units "is important so that we can have the adequate tools to the reality of all islands, regardless of their size, and keep up with the demands of modern times, with reduced bureaucracy and increased efficiency." Until now, this matter had bee... Mais >>

Informação: Government of the Azores presents Action Plan for Restructuring of Regional Health Service
The Regional Secretary for Health presented today the Action Plan for the Restructuring of the Regional Health Service, stressing that "the analysis and evaluation stage, which is now being concluded, will be followed by the implementation of what has been decided." Luís Cabral said the many contributions provided "evidence the interest on this matter; it was an important and widely particip... Mais >>

Informação: Azorean citizens already have access to Health Data Platform, announces Luís Cabral
The Regional Secretary for Health attended today the official connection of the Azores to the Health Data Platform (PDS) at the Divino Espírito Santo Hospital. This service provides access to the clinical records of patients from any regional or national hospital or health centre. "The installation of the PDS service on the nine islands will improve and reinforce the sharing of clinical inf... Mais >>

Informação: Luís Cabral announces hiring of five nurses to Pico
The Regional Secretary for Health announced today the "hiring of five nurses to Pico Health Unit" in order to carry out the "rearrangement of schedules and provide support, after receiving proper training, to the SIV ambulance (Immediate Life Support) that will soon enter into operation on this island. Following the meeting held in the early afternoon with the Board of Directors of the Pico Isla... Mais >>

Informação: Secretary for Health receives delegation from the Ministry of Internal Administration
The Regional Secretary for Health received in audience a delegation from the Ministry of Internal Administration that is visiting the Region with the aim of implementing the Security and Emergency Digital Network in the archipelago. According to Luís Cabral, today's meeting was organised to define the protocols on the installation of this network in the archipelago; the network is estimated t... Mais >>

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