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Informação: Construction of new Madalena health centre moves ahead
The first stone of the new Madalena health centre was laid today during a ceremony attended by the Regional Secretary for Health. Speaking at the occasion, Miguel Correia said that "this is a moment of great significance for the Regional Government as it will bring important benefits for Pico inhabitants." It is a modern and high quality health unit, both in construction and functional terms. A ... Mais >>

Informação: Regional Government to decentralise medical consultations at SAU
The Regional Secretary for Health, Miguel Correia, announced on Friday that the Government's intention to decentralise medical consultations made at Ponta Delgada SAU (urgent care service) to other health units on São Miguel. Miguel Correia spoke during the opening session of the 12th Azores General Practitioners Conference, held in Ponta Delgada, and informed that the relocation of the do... Mais >>

ImagemInformação: Concurso Regional de Empreendedorismo 2012
Está aberto o período de candidaturas à edição de 2012 do Concurso Regional de Emrpeendedorismo. Podem ser candidatados projetos sustentados por planos de negócios que sejam inovadores, exequíveis e respondam a necessidades do mercado. Para além de outros prémios, os três primeiros classificados recebem €15.000, €10.000 e €5.000... Mais >>

Informação: Region prepares accreditation of all health centres
The Regional Director for Health signed in Ponta Delgada on Friday a protocol with the Director General of Health with the aim of ensuring the technical support of the Department of Quality in Health in the accreditation of health centres in the Autonomous Region of the Azores. The document signed by Sofia Duarte and Francisco George stipulates the rules to meet the goals intended with the imple... Mais >>

Informação: SIV Ambulances increase quality of assistance provided in the Azores
Immediate Life Support service (SIV) ambulances entered into operation in the Azores today. S. Miguel and Terceira already have the new emergency medical service vehicles at the service of the population. Faial Island will be the next in the month of April. The Regional Secretary for Science, Technology and Infrastructures marked the entry into operation of SIV ambulances in Angra do Heroísm... Mais >>

Informação: Health Service Ombudsperson at the service of citizens
The Regional Secretary for Health confirmed today that the Health Service Ombudsperson is an entity created to promote quality and transparency that people can turn to without fear of reprisal. Speaking at the opening ceremony of the new Health Service Ombudsman premises, Miguel Correia said that sometimes patients do not complain for fear of reprisal, but he stressed that "there cannot be repri... Mais >>

Informação: Carlos César says Regional Health Service is source of pride
Carlos César said at the Legislative Assembly today that the Government is proud of the Regional Health Service despite financial difficulties. Rejecting the idea of mixing up the financial issue with the quality of health care provided in the Region, the President of the Government stressed that "it is a financial problem, not a problem for people" as the health system "is both an advantag... Mais >>

Informação: Secretary for Health announces intention to certify quality and safety of single dose medicines
The Regional Secretary for Health said today that the Ponta Delgada hospital intends to ensure the quality of pharmaceutical services in order to ensure the safety and traceability of single dose medicines. In response to the proposal made by the Chairman of the Pharmacists' Association, who defended the conduction of an external audit, Miguel Correia said that the Region has nothing to oppose; b... Mais >>

Informação: Regional Government transfers funds to healthcare centres and hospitals
The Regional Secretary for Health announced today that the funds for regional healthcare centres have already been transferred, thus clearing all their debts in the new economic year. At the session to celebrate the 53rd Anniversary of the Ponta Delgada Nursing School, Miguel Correia also revealed that regional healthcare centres have paid their debts to pharmacies, laboratories and medicine.... Mais >>

Informação: Government ensures payment of debts in the amount of 18 million Euros to health suppliers
The Regional Secretary for Health announced today that all unpaid invoices of regional healthcare centres will be paid by January 18, making up a total of 18 million Euros. According to Miguel Correia, this amount corresponds to the total debts to medicine suppliers, laboratories and pharmacies. These payments will have a direct impact on the health sector market. With regard to hospital medic... Mais >>

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