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Informação: Investing in social responses is an option taken by the Government, says Andreia Cardoso
The Regional Secretary for Social Solidarity stated today that the investment in social responses is a clear option of the Regional Government that has drawn its full attention to the provision of responses in accordance with the specific needs of each island. "The only way to address social needs is to create social services and responses," Andreia Cardoso said, stressing that the Government ha... Mais >>

Informação: Order regulating Special Supplement for Oncology Patients published today
The Ordinance no.110/2015, which regulates the Special Supplement for Oncology Patients (CEDO), a financial support awarded to oncology patients receiving care outside their island of residence, was published today in the Official Journal. It is intended to support for complementary diagnostic tests, treatments and consultations. According to the ordinance, beneficiaries are entitled to request ... Mais >>

Informação: Azorean families will have this year 11 new nurseries and three kindergartens, announced the President of the Government
The President of the Government announced today that this year Azorean families will have 11 new nurseries and three kindergartens to be installed in remodelled buildings and new buildings. This investment will benefit more than 700 Azorean children. With this investment policy in social responses, the Regional Government ensures that "children will have the best possible conditions to follow th... Mais >>

Informação: Governo dos Açores investe 3,8 milhões de euros na construção de novo Centro de Abrigo Temporário em S. Miguel
A Secretária Regional da Solidariedade Social afirmou hoje, em Ponta Delgada, que o novo Centro de Abrigo Temporário, espaço que será partilhado pela Cáritas de S. Miguel e pela Associação Novo Dia, é a “maior obra na área da Solidariedade Social até ao final da legislatura”. Andreia Cardoso falava na cerimónia de apresenta... Mais >>

Informação: Regional Government invests 3.8 million Euros in the construction of new Temporary Shelter Centre on S. Miguel
The Regional Secretary for Social Solidarity stated today in Ponta Delgada that the new Temporary Shelter Centre, a space that will be shared by Caritas of São Miguel and the Novo Dia Association, is "the greatest work in the area of Social Solidarity by the end the current legislative period." Andreia Cardoso spoke at the presentation ceremony of the project concerning the future temporary... Mais >>

Informação: Vasco Cordeiro announces strengthening of support for large families with children attending daycare
The President of the Government announced today the strengthening of support to families with more than two children attending daycares in the archipelago, stressing that this is one of the results of an Autonomy that produces benefits for the Azorean population. "Fulfilling a commitment already taken, I can announce that the Regional Government will increase the discount that already exists for ... Mais >>

Informação: Housing policies of the Regional Government already supported 460 families from Ribeira Grande in this legislative period
The Regional Secretary for Social Solidarity revealed today in Ribeira Grande that 460 families residing in the municipality of Ribeira Grande have benefited from several housing support programmes during this legislative period. "Indeed, the Government has authorised a total of 461 support measures under several housing support programmes managed Regional Directorate for Housing, representing a... Mais >>

Informação: Regional Government promotes event with children enrolled at 90 Free Time Occupation Centres on São Miguel
The Regional Secretariat for Social Solidarity, through the Social Security Institute of the Azores, will organise an event with the participation of 90 Free Time Centres (CATL) on São Miguel. The activity will be held Friday, July 10, and will involve the participation of over 1,650 children from the six municipalities of that island. This initiative follows the activities organised under t... Mais >>

Informação: Governo dos Açores promove requalificação das infraestruturas do Lar Luís Soares de Sousa
O Governo dos Açores, através da Secretaria Regional da Solidariedade Social, irá investir cerca de dois milhões de euros na criação da valência de Centro de Noite no Lar Luís Soares de Sousa e na requalificação do espaço existente com vista a reestruturar o Serviço de Apoio ao Domicílio. A apresentação do projeto acont... Mais >>

Informação: Regional Government extends deadline for the submission of applications to support measures for termite-infested buildings
The Regional Government of the Azores has extended the deadline for the submission of applications to support the disinfestation and rehabilitation of buildings and houses infested with termites until September 30. With the recent amendments to the Regional Legislative Decree no.22/2010/A of June 30, applicants are no longer required to be owners or co-owners of the property subject to interventi... Mais >>

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