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Informação: Regional Government signs contract for the transfer of houses to 11 families on Terceira Island
The Regional Secretary for Social Solidarity signed today 11 sublease contracts for 1-bedroom, 2-bedroom and 3-bedrooms apartments in the village of Santa Luzia in Angra do Heroísmo. Under this measure, families have the opportunity to later purchase the dwellings. The amount of the rents already paid by families will be deducted from the price to be paid for the apartment. These 11 dwellin... Mais >>

Informação: Concurso público para empreitada do Centro de Dia e Noite das Cinco Ribeiras, na Terceira, publicado em Diário da República
O anúncio do concurso público para a empreitada de requalificação de um edifício para a instalação do Centro de Dia e Noite do Centro Social e Paroquial das Cinco Ribeiras, no concelho de Angra do Heroísmo, foi hoje publicado em Diário da República. Esta empreitada, inscrita na Carta Regional de Obras Públicas, tem um prazo de execuç&... Mais >>

Informação: Andreia Cardoso highlights work carried out by over 230 Private Social Solidarity Institutions in the Azores
The Regional Secretary for Social Solidarity stressed in Angra do Heroísmo the work carried out by 230 Social Solidarity Institutions (IPSS) operating in the Azores. Speaking at the opening ceremony of the remodelling works of Caritas premises on Terceira, Andreia Cardoso stressed that these IPSS "provide nearly 700 different social responses, which are ensured by the commitment of over fou... Mais >>

Informação: Regional Government invests two million Euros in new day nursery in Ponta Delgada
The Government of the Azores signed a value-investment cooperation contract with "Patronato de São Miguel" (social solidarity institution) for the construction of a new day nursery in the municipality of Ponta Delgada, a public investment over two million Euros. Speaking at the end of the ceremony, the Regional Secretary for Social Solidarity stressed that, with the construction of this inf... Mais >>

Informação: Government of the Azores committed to the promotion of active ageing, says Andreia Cardoso
The Regional Secretary for Social Solidarity assured in Ponta Delgada that the Government of the Azores "is aware of the needs arising from changes to the ageing process" and, for that reason, has undertaken a considerable effort to ensure that health and social systems "may effectively respond to the aspirations of the senior community." In this context, the Government included the elderly group... Mais >>

Informação: Concurso público para requalificação do Lar do Recolhimento Jesus Maria José publicado em Diário da República
O anúncio do concurso público para a empreitada de requalificação das instalações do Lar do Recolhimento Jesus Maria José, na freguesia de Santa Luzia, concelho de Angra do Heroísmo, foi hoje publicado em Diário da República. A obra, com um preço base superior a 1,7 milhões de euros e um prazo de execução de 450 dias, permit... Mais >>

Informação: Vasco Cordeiro acknowledges contribution of elderly citizens to the development of the Azores
The President of the Government expressed today his public acknowledgement for the contribution provided by elderly citizens to the development of the Azores, assuring that the Regional Government will continue to promote, within the reach of its powers and resources, social measures and policies in this area. "This recognition is an act of justice towards our elders for their hard work and cont... Mais >>

Informação: Regional Government invests over 115 thousand Euros in the renewal of housing on São Miguel
The Regional Secretariat for Social Solidarity, through the Regional Directorate for Housing, has awarded three contract works, following a direct adjustment with regional companies, for the renewal of three dwellings owned by Regional Autonomous of the Azores. The houses are located in the village of São José, Ponta Delgada. Included in the Regional Public Works Charter, the contract ... Mais >>

Informação: Vasco Cordeiro announces 200 new vacancies in the areas of Childhood and Special Needs
The President of the Government announced today in Santa Cruz Graciosa another 200 new vacancies in infrastructures for the areas of Childhood and Special Needs, following the public investment of nearly 18 million Euros that is planned in the Regional Public Works Charter. With regard to day nurseries and kindergartens, Vasco Cordeiro mentioned that several works for the construction and adapt... Mais >>

Informação: Andreia Cardoso highlights role of social economy in fighting poverty and promoting inclusion
The Regional Secretary for Social Solidarity highlighted in Angra do Heroísmo the role played by social economy in the fight against poverty and promotion of social inclusion, stressing that the Regional Government allocated 11.1 million Euros to this area under the Operational Programme 2020. "We believe that social economy has great potential in the region," Andreia Cardoso said, adding th... Mais >>

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