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Informação: North American specialists in the social integration of autistic children in the Azores
Three North American specialists in the social integration of autistic children from Bradley Hospital, Rhode Island, will attend a seminar on Autism: diagnosis, treatment and interventions which will take place at the University of the Azores on September 18. This initiative is promoted by the Regional Association of the European Youth Parliament – Azores with the support of the Regional Sec... Mais >>

Informação: Government praises work developed by institution in the support of children and youngsters
The Government of the Azores, through the Regional Director for Solidarity and Social Security, praised the ongoing work that is being developed by the Nossa Senhora do Livramento Brotherhood in supporting children and youngsters from Angra do Heroísmo. Speaking at the ceremony to celebrate the 158th anniversary of the institution that took place in Angra do Heroísmo on Thursday night,... Mais >>

Informação: Azorean Government promotes project “ISA – Inclusão através da Arte”
The Government of the Azores, through the Regional Directorate for Youth, will promote the exchange project “ISA – Inclusão através da Arte,” (ISA – Inclusion through Art), developed under Action 6.4 of the Youth in Action Programme, from September 11 and 18. The project, which will be developed in partnership with the Tobacco Free Youth Association, Solidari... Mais >>

Informação: Ana Paula Marques opens renewal works of the social centre for the São Brás elderly
The Regional Secretary for Labour and Social Solidarity opened the renewal works of the social centre for the São Brás elderly in the municipality of Ribeira Grande on Thursday night. The works were supported by the Regional Government in the amount of 50 thousand Euros. For Ana Paula Marques, it is an investment that, in addition to enhancing the existing space, provides better condit... Mais >>

Informação: Carlos César reiterates the importance of investing in the support to families
The President of the Government of the Azores considers that “we live at a time that requires a high priority in productive investment that generates employment” and that “we should continue to undertake with courage and competence the economic policies designed to reverse the growing trend of unemployment, which is expected to increase slightly this year.” But, according t... Mais >>

Informação: Medicine Banks support over 200 people in the Azores
The Medicine Banks installed at regional healthcare centres have already supported over 200 people across the Region, thus meeting the purpose of their implementation. The Medicine Bank of the Graciosa Healthcare Centre supports 65 patients. Under this project, the Vila do Porto Healthcare Centre distributed 1,182 medicines in 2010 and the Praia da Vitória Healthcare Centre distributed 13,0... Mais >>

Informação: Government promotes awareness and information sessions on domestic violence for journalists
The Regional Secretariat for Labour and Social Solidarity, through the Regional Directorate for Solidarity and Social Security, in a partnership with the Union of Journalists of the Azores will organise two workshops on domestic violence on July 20, one to be held in the morning and the other in the afternoon. Being addressed at regional journalists, this initiative is integrated in the Regional... Mais >>

Informação: Government acknowledges the contribution of volunteers and defends mutual help
The Regional Secretary for Science, Technology and Infrastructures praised on Thursday afternoon the valuable contribution of the “Azorean solidarity brigade” addressing a word of recognition to the workers of social institutions and to the anonymous persons that work as volunteers in hospitals and Private Social Solidarity Institutions every day; they are the people “who make... Mais >>

Informação: Governo valoriza o contributo dos voluntários e defende a inter-ajuda social
O Secretário Regional da Ciência, Tecnologia e Equipamentos elogiou, esta tarde, o contributo inestimável do “batalhão solidário dos Açores”, dirigindo uma palavra de reconhecimento aos funcionários das instituições sociais e a todos os anónimos que, todos os dias, trabalham voluntariamente nos hospitais e nas IPSS’s, pessoas R... Mais >>

Informação: Social policies provide better development conditions
The opening of spaces as the Free Time Occupation Centre in Lomba do Loução and Lomba do Alcaide or the new ICT (information and communication technology) space in Lomba do Alcaide “brings meaning to politics” as it meets the needs of all citizens, providing them with the assurance “that their children are at a space where the necessary conditions for their physical, in... Mais >>

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