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Informação: São Jorge air terminal already has interactive information panel
The Regional Secretary for Science, Technology and Infrastructures presented this morning the interactive panel installed at São Jorge air terminal. From now on, tourists and visitors will have at their disposal a touchscreen panel that may become "the first visiting card of our cohesion islands, allowing an interaction between the passenger who needs information about the island’s fa... Mais >>

Informação: Eleven thousand social passes sold represent significant discounts for families
In 2011, 10 890 social passes were sold on the islands of São Miguel and Terceira, comprising three categories "30-Day Pass," "Unemployed Pass," and "Senior Pass." The introduction of Social Passes on São Miguel and Terceira has well accepted by the population, particularly the category "30-Day Pass." This measure brings economic benefits for users, because social passes represent disc... Mais >>

Informação: Government purchases refrigerated containers for Corvo, announces Vasco Cordeiro
The Regional Secretariat for the Economy, through the company Portos dos Açores SA, will proceed with the acquisition of refrigerated containers for the transport of frozen and fresh products between the islands of Flores and Corvo, which represents an investment of 60,000 Euros. According to the Regional Secretary for the Economy, this decision is intended to avoid the transport of goods b... Mais >>

Informação: Government to launch public call for tenders for freight service between Flores and Corvo, announces Vasco Cordeiro
The Government of the Azores will launch a public call for tenders for the operation of freight services between the islands of Flores and Corvo in the first quarter of 2012, announced the Regional Secretary for the Economy, Vasco Cordeiro, today. This operation is currently taking place following a contract signed in 2000 which expires in 2012. The tender to be launched soon will award the conc... Mais >>

Informação: Vasco Cordeiro makes commitment to "support" Horta Airport
"If the Azorean people give me their trust next October, Faial islanders can count on the next Regional Government, chaired by me, to support the Government of the Republic in achieving this investment." The commitment was made by the Regional Secretary for the Economy, Vasco Cordeiro, and was conveyed today at the Legislative Assembly, following a challenged launched by the leader of PSD parliam... Mais >>

Informação: Terceira with direct service to Mainland Portugal, announces Vasco Cordeiro
The island of Terceira will now have, starting next January, direct freight service to Mainland Portugal, announced the Regional Secretary for the Economy in Praia da Vitória on Tuesday morning. Speaking to the press after a work meeting with representatives from Box Lines, Transinsular and Mutualista Açoreana, Vasco Cordeiro said that this service "will operate on a fortnightly basis,... Mais >>

Informação: Governo inicia novo serviço de transporte colectivo de passageiros em Santa Maria
O Governo Regional, através da Secretaria Regional da Ciência, Tecnologia e Equipamentos, iniciou ontem o novo serviço de transporte colectivo regular de passageiros na ilha de Santa Maria, com grande adesão da população mariense. Os sete novos autocarros da frota garantem mais comodidade, conforto e segurança aos utentes dos transportes públicos. Os novos h... Mais >>

Informação: Government welcomes prize won by SATA
The Regional Director for Air and Maritime Transport was pleased yesterday with the awarding of the bronze "Airline of the Year 2011/2012" prize to SATA Air Açores by ERA - European Regions Airline Association. Nuno Domingues, who attended the award delivery ceremony on behalf of the Regional Secretary for the Economy, Vasco Cordeiro, stated that this distinction represents the recognition ... Mais >>

Informação: Governo reforça apoios às empresas e aposta na promoção turística internacional, revela Vasco Cordeiro
O Governo dos Açores vai reforçar em 380 por cento as verbas destinadas ao sistema de incentivos Empreende Jovem, revelou hoje o Secretário Regional da Economia, durante uma audição na Comissão de Economia do parlamento açoriano, sobre as propostas do Plano Anual Regional e do Orçamento da Região Autónoma dos Açores para 2012. Segundo Vasco C... Mais >>

Informação: Governo quer descida do tarifário aéreo sem comprometer modelo que protege os açorianos
O Governo dos Açores acredita que “é possível melhorar as Obrigações de Serviço Público no transporte aéreo de forma a permitir tarifas melhores dos Açores para o continente e entre o continente e os Açores”, assegurou esta segunda feira o Secretário Regional da Economia. Vasco Cordeiro, em declarações à comunica... Mais >>

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