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Informação: Intervenções nas estradas regionais são de extrema importância para a segurança, salienta Ana Cunha
A Secretária Regional dos Transportes e Obras Públicas salientou hoje, em Ponta Delgada, a importância das intervenções realizadas pelo Governo dos Açores nas estradas regionais, que visam assegurar a melhoria das condições de segurança para quem nelas circula, reduzindo ainda os constrangimentos e permitindo mais qualidade de vida aos moradores. Ana C... Mais >>

Informação: Regional Government authorises new tender for design and construction of RO-RO ship for 650 passengers and 150 vehicles
The Regional Government published today in the Official Journal the resolution authorising the restricted tender by previous qualification to be launched at international level for design and construction of a RO-RO passenger ship with capacity for 650 passengers and 150 vehicles. This resolution also authorises the expenditure for the contract work to be carried out. The amount may reach up to 48... Mais >>

Informação: Transport and Public Works with investment of about 150 million Euros, stresses Ana Cunha
The proposed Plan for 2019 provides for approximately 150 million Euros of investment in the areas under the administration of the Regional Secretariat for Transport and Public Works. The Regional Secretary spoke at the Legislative Assembly in Horta during the hearings on the proposals for the 2019 Plan and Budget. She informed that this amount is essentially distributed into "Transport, with 88 m... Mais >>

Informação: Novo Ramal na Estrada Regional em São Carlos, na Terceira, vai melhorar circulação e resolver congestionamento de tráfego, assegura Ana Cunha
A Secretária Regional dos Transportes e Obras Públicas afirmou hoje que a construção do Ramal da Estrada Regional n.º 6 - 2.ª, em São Carlos, na Terceira, numa extensão de cerca de 300 metros, com início na Rotunda da Canada das Almas e terminando na Canada dos Cinco Reis, “além de contribuir para a melhoria da circulação nesta zona... Mais >>

Informação: Regional Government moves forward with new tender for construction of ship for 650 passengers and 150 vehicles
The Regional Director for Transport announced in Ponta Delgada that the Regional Government will launch a new restricted tender by previous qualification for the construction of a passenger RO-RO ship with capacity for 650 passengers and 150 vehicles for the Autonomous Region of the Azores. At a press conference, Luís Filipe Melo added that the "procedure documents will be fundamentally the ... Mais >>

Informação: Regional Government ensures conditions for increased attractiveness of private investments in port operation concessions in the Azores
The proposal presented by the Regional Government amending the legal scheme on port operations in the archipelago was approved today by the Legislative Assembly in Horta. "Besides other legal issues, it changes the maximum limit of the concession period from up to 30 years to up to 75 years. This period is established in accordance with the period of time necessary for the amortisation and return... Mais >>

Informação: Governo dos Açores reabilita troço da Estrada do Caldeirão, no Corvo
A Secretária Regional dos Transportes e Obras Públicas visitou hoje, no Corvo, a empreitada de reabilitação da Estrada do Caldeirão, na zona do Grotão da Latina, que ficou agora concluída. “Com mais esta intervenção, o Governo dos Açores cumpriu o compromisso assumido de melhoria das acessibilidades das vias públicas, neste caso concret... Mais >>

Informação: President of the Government visits works to improve operating conditions of Corvo Aerodrome
The President of the Regional Government visited today the resurfacing works of the runway and apron of Corvo Aerodrome, an investment of two million Euros that is part of an investment plan aimed at improving air accessibility in the Region. "From the standpoint of air accessibility, this investment falls within a series of other investments that have been or are being carried out on several isl... Mais >>

Informação: Vasco Cordeiro highlights impact of works in the areas of Education, Health and Maritime Transport on Flores Island
The President of the Regional Government highlighted in Santa Cruz the impact of ongoing works in areas fundamental to the development of the island, such as education, health and maritime accessibility. "There are ongoing works in these fundamental areas, such as education, health and transport, and we believe that it will contribute to a significant improvement in the economy of the Flores and i... Mais >>

Informação: Port works reach 50 million Euros this term, says Ana Cunha
The Regional Secretary for Transport and Public Works stated on Flores that the Regional Government has invested "more than 50 million Euros in port works already concluded or in progress" over the course of this legislative period. According to her, this "figure clearly demonstrates the commitment to continue reinforcing all operating and safety conditions in various port infrastructures througho... Mais >>

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