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Informação: Protocol between Atlânticoline and Ilha do Sol Society to increase flow of tourists to Santa Maria
The Regional Director for Tourism stated in Vila do Porto that the protocol signed between Atlânticoline and Ilha do Sol Society, owner of Colombo Hotel and Grupo Ciprotur, will increase the flow of tourists to the island of Santa Maria. João Bettencourt attended, on behalf of the Regional Secretary for Tourism and Transport, the signing of this partnership agreement aimed at the promo... Mais >>

Informação: New public service obligations for maritime transport promote greater accessibility while maintaining reduced costs for passengers
The new Public Service Obligations for maritime transport, presented Monday in Horta, aim to improve mobility of the Azorean population through the maritime transport of passengers and vehicles and meet the growing demand. They take into account the seasonal variation in this type of transport and, simultaneously, provide affordable fares for passengers. As for the number of links on the Blue Li... Mais >>

Informação: Opening notice of the international public tender for interventions in the coastal area of Barra da Graciosa published in the Official Gazette
The opening notice of the international public tender for the contract work for the Protection and Stabilisation of the Coastal Area of Barra in Santa Cruz da Graciosa, with a base value of 5.3 million Euros, was published today in the Official Gazette. This intervention, included in the Regional Public Works Charter, has a completion period of 18 months and consists in the construction of a 225 ... Mais >>

Informação: Maritime transport should be regarded as a whole to avoid separate solutions for each issue, says Vítor Fraga
The Regional Secretary for Tourism and Transport stated in Ponta Delgada that the proposal presented by the Communist party (PCP) regarding the purchase of a passenger and cargo vessel by the Regional Government to operate year-round between S. Miguel and Santa Maria is a proposal that does not fit into the overall transport policy in the Region. It also lacked information on the operation of this... Mais >>

Informação: Government wants to extend reforms to maritime transport, says Vasco Cordeiro
For the President of the Government, it is necessary and desirable to extend reforms to maritime transport, seizing the potential of the Sea as a means of communication and as driving force in the progress and development of each island of the archipelago. Like the new air accessibility model to the Region, already implemented, "it is necessary to extend, without fear, the reform to maritime tra... Mais >>

Informação: Government of the Azores takes part in the revision of EU Strategy for Maritime Transport
The Government of the Azores has conveyed to the European Commission its position on the mid-term revision of the EU Strategy on Maritime Transport under the public consultation process that ran until April 22. The Region defends the need to "fully acknowledge" the Atlantic as the western sea border of the European Union. In the document sent to Brussels, the Azorean Government mentions the nece... Mais >>

Informação: New Povoação Port ensures better safety conditions to fishers and sea-tour operators
The Regional Secretary for the Sea, Science and Technology opened today the new Povoação Port on S. Miguel, a work representing an investment of 4.2 million Euros. Fausto Brito e Abreu stated this infrastructure provides "excellent conditions not only to fishers, but also to other activities, such as recreational fishing, tourism fishing, recreational boating, maritime sports and maritim... Mais >>

Informação: Vasco Cordeiro opens new Fisheries Port that represents an "investment in the future" of Rabo de Peixe
Last Sunday, the President of the Government opened the new Rabo de Peixe port, where he ensured the Government's commitment to invest in support infrastructures for the regional fisheries sector as well as in the training of fishers and the increase of their income. "The Fisheries sector faces these three challenges, to which the Regional Government pays special attention and is working to overco... Mais >>

Informação: Government of the Azores "will be always available to clarify its options," says Vítor Fraga
The Regional Secretary for Tourism and Transport stated today that the Government of the Azores "will be always available to clarify its options." Speaking to journalists after being heard by the Committee on Economic Affairs of the Azorean Parliament about the inter-island transport of passengers and vehicles, Vítor Fraga said that "this is how we have done and will continue to do in the fu... Mais >>

Informação: Regional Government approves launch of procedures for the construction of two vessels for the transport of passengers and vehicles
The Regional Government has approved the launch, by Atlanticoline, of a procedure for the design and construction of two single-hull vessels with a minimum capacity for 650 passengers and 150 vehicles for inter-island transport. "The base price is set at 85 million Euros and the deadline for the delivery of the vessels should not exceed 580 days for the first vessel and 670 for the second vessel... Mais >>

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