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Informação: Regional Director says talking about creative tourism is, above all, thinking about the future
The Regional Director for Tourism stressed that "talking about creative tourism is, above all, thinking about the future." In fact, it goes beyond the traditional and is inspired by "human and cultural capital" to create new tourism products that call for the involvement of tourists in local life in order to "attract new market niches and meet new trends in international demand." “Creative... Mais >>

Informação: Ana Cunha highlights investment in creation and upgrading of viewpoints on regional roads
The Regional Secretary for Transport and Public Works highlighted in Calheta, São Jorge Island, the investment that the Regional Government has been making in the "upgrading of several viewpoints and points of interest along regional roads." Ana Cunha stated that these actions, as well as the creation of other visiting sites, cover all the islands as they fall within the plan for the landscap... Mais >>

Informação: Marta Guerreiro announces certification of the Azores as sustainable tourist destination
 The Regional Secretary for Energy, Environment and Tourism announced today that the Azores have been certified as a sustainable tourist destination, through EarthCheck certifier and under the strict criteria of the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC).  "We are the first and only archipelago in the world bearing this certification" as well as "the only region in Portugal among a ... Mais >>

Informação: Regional Government aims to improve energy performance of tourism projects
The Regional Director for Energy highlighted today the work carried out with a view to improving energy performance in tourism projects, highlighting the campaign for the Promotion of Energy Efficiency in the Azores focused on these projects. Andreia Carreiro spoke in Ponta Delgada at the opening of an awareness-raising session directed to the units participating in that campaign, which was organ... Mais >>

Informação: Regional Director for Tourism stresses importance of sporting events in boosting tourism flows
The Regional Director for Tourism stressed the importance of sporting events in boosting tourism flows throughout the year, highlighting the Azores Rally Championship and the Azores Rally Trophy. "Motor sports, in general, and rallies, in particular, are a driving force in our archipelago, generating a very interesting dynamics throughout the year. They contribute to boosting tourism flows that, a... Mais >>

Informação: Private investment in the Region demonstrates entrepreneurs' confidence in the economy, says Vasco Cordeiro
The President of the Government presided over the laying of the first stone of the Double Tree by Hilton hotel and visited the works of the Azores International Hospital, two significant ongoing investments in the city of Lagoa that showcase the confidence of private investors in the Region's economy. “These are private investments supported by the Competir+ incentive system, a circumstance... Mais >>

Informação: Regional Government launches "Azores for All" pilot project
The Regional Secretariats for Social Solidarity and for Energy, Environment and Tourism are promoting the "Azores for All" pilot project, an initiative that, in the first phase, takes place on the islands of São Miguel and Terceira. The Regional Secretary for Social Solidarity stressed today at Lajes Air Terminal, where she accompanied the departure of the first group, that this is another ac... Mais >>

Informação: Regional Government intends to attract international students for tourism internships in the Azores
The Regional Director for Tourism highlighted in Split, Croatia, the ongoing work to attract international students for tourism internships in the Azores from April to September 2020. Marlene Damião spoke Thursday at the 32nd Annual Conference of AEHT - European Association of Hotel and Tourism Schools. On the occasion, she stated that a partnership is being formalised with this institution, ... Mais >>

Informação: Marta Guerreiro says electric mobility and qualification of tourism professionals are priorities for 2020
The Regional Secretary for Energy, Environment and Tourism stressed today that policies to encourage electric mobility and the qualification of tourism professionals are the priorities set out in the proposed 2020 Plan and Budget, which provides for an investment of 56 million Euros in these areas. Marta Guerreiro spoke in Horta on the sidelines of the hearings at the Committees on Economic Affair... Mais >>

Informação: Marta Guerreiro highlights importance of holding the Global Sustainable Tourism Council Annual Congress on Terceira Island
The Regional Secretary for Energy, Environment and Tourism stressed today the importance of holding the Annual Congress of the Global Sustainable Tourism Council. The event will take place at the Angra do Heroísmo Cultural and Congress Centre on the island of Terceira between December 4 and 7. Marta Guerreiro called for the participation of the sector's agents, stressing that “this is ... Mais >>

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