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Apoios e incentivos de âmbito nacional com aplicação à RAA
Sistema de apoio ao escoamento de produtos açorianos
Sistema de Incentivos a actividades de artesanato
Sistema de incentivos financeiros à promoção de produtos açorianos
Sistema de incentivos para o desenvolvimento regional dos Açores - SIDER
Subsistema de prémios - SIDEP
Subsistema para desenvolvimento do turismo - SIDET
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Informação: Government approves more than 250 investment projects in agriculture, announces Vasco Cordeiro
The President of the Government of the Azores announced today the approval of more than 250 investment projects in agriculture. They were part of a total of 300 projects submitted under the previous Community Support Framework, which were transferred to the current financial programming by the Regional Government. Vasco Cordeiro revealed that these investment projects represent over 26.5 million... Mais >>

Informação: Azores continue to lead net business creation rate nationwide
The Azores continue to be the national region with the highest business creation rate, which corresponds to a ratio of four companies for each company that closed down. The Business Barometer - August, published by eInforma, shows that 571 companies were created in the Azores between August 2013 and July this year while 144 closed down in the same period of time. The average of all Portuguese ... Mais >>

Informação: Regional Entrepreneurship Competition with 11 projects selected for the second phase
The jury of the Regional Entrepreneurship Competition has selected for the second phase, which runs until October 15, 11 of the 61 projects submitted under this initiative. This first phase will be followed by the selection of the three winning projects, which will take place between October 16 and 30. The projects were submitted under the Regional Entrepreneurship Competition, which registered ... Mais >>

Informação: Regional Government already approved Incentive Subsystem for Economic Activities, announces Vasco Cordeiro
The President of the Regional Government announced the approval of the legislation establishing the seven Incentive Subsystems to be implemented until 2020 under the new Incentive Scheme for Economic Activities - COMPETIR+. "The Council of the Government has already approved the Regional Implementing Decrees." This was an "extremely significant" step towards the goal of implementing the new Incen... Mais >>

Informação: For each company that closed down in the Azores, four companies start their activity
According to the data released on business creation in Portugal, a total of 536 companies started their activity in the Azores in the last 12 months, which represents a ratio of four companies for each company that closed down. Speaking to journalists on the sidelines of an audience with new administration board of Banco Espírito Santo dos Açores, the Vice-President of the Government, ... Mais >>

Informação: Government of the Azores creates tax benefits scheme for investment projects by reducing corporate tax, property tax and real estate transfer tax rates
The Vice-President of the Government of the Azores presented today a new tax benefits scheme that will be applicable to investment projects of "recognised strategic importance to the regional economy." Sérgio Ávila announced during a press conference that tax reduction scheme in conjunction with the policy of incentives embedded in Competir+ will endow the Azores with "unique and extre... Mais >>

Informação: New incentive scheme is increasingly comprehensive and more intense, said Sérgio Ávila
The Vice-President of the Government said today that the new incentive scheme - COMPETIR+ is "broader, more comprehensive and intense support system for business activity." Speaking at the Legislative Assembly during the discussion of the proposal for Regional Legislative Decree submitted by the Government, Sérgio Ávila stressed that "Azorean companies will benefit from a much higher an... Mais >>

Informação: New incentive scheme comprises support to companies for the next seven years, says Sérgio Ávila
The Vice-President of the Government of the Azores underlined the importance of the new incentive schemes in the context of "support policies to companies for the next seven years." Speaking to journalists in Ponta Delgada at the end of a hearing at the Committee on Economic Affairs of the Legislative Assembly on the new incentive scheme COMPETIR+, Sérgio Ávila explained some of the mai... Mais >>

Informação: Second edition of "Empreende Açores" to start on Santa Maria
The Vice-President of the Government of the Azores will promote second edition of "Empreende Açores" (Azores Entrepreneurship). The programme falls within the Azorean Agenda for Employment Creation and Business Competitiveness, which, in turn, is part of the Strategic Plan for the Promotion of Entrepreneurship in the Azores. This second edition of "Açores Empreende" begins on the is... Mais >>

Informação: Support programme for restaurants and hotels already subsidised sales of one million Euros in regional products
The Vice-President of the Government revealed that the Programme to Support Restaurants and Hotels in the Purchase of Regional Products (PARHAPR) "has surpassed" all expectations. In fact, "it has helped the Azorean production sector selling about one million Euros in regional products since its recent implementation." Sérgio Ávila said "this result is, undoubtedly, extremely positive i... Mais >>

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